
get confident again

Patient Story


“After the birth of my son, I developed bladder prolapse. That’s when I discovered pelvic floor physiotherapy. In addition to a hands-on treatment, Anniken taught me how and when to effectively do Kegel exercises, and how to correct my posture and alignment, which had a big impact on my recovery. Everything went back to normal within a few months.

My recovery from my second labour was also much faster than my first.

… until my second pregnancy, less than a year after my son was born! This time, the prolapse symptoms started about 4 months into the pregnancy. By starting pelvic floor physiotherapy early, I was able to rectify the prolapse through a program of easy stretches which took me about 15-20 min each day. After a couple of months it was improved and I felt no pain or discomfort for the remainder of the pregnancy. My recovery from my second labour was also much faster than my first, thanks to all the “prepping” work.”

Tell us your story

Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help you

  • understand what's happening and why

  • get strategies to manage symptoms

  • reduce the pressure pushing down causing symptoms

  • strengthen your pelvic floor to improve support

  • get you exercising confidently again (whatever it is you want to do)

  • prolapse perception

    Prolapse can be a scary thought, and the symptoms can be a scary experience. Also, there’s a lot of mis information about what you can’t do with prolapse and fear mongering about making things worse.

    We can help assess what you need to do to improve your symptoms and can show you how to get back to whatever it is you want to do!

  • prolapse causes and assessment

    It’s important to know that prolapse symptoms and actual descent of organs into the vaginal cavity don’t correlate at all. That means you can have severe symptoms with barely any descent on assessment, or no symptoms and a big descent objectively.

    It’s important therefore to assess causes of symptoms as well as the prolapse itself. 

    Causes can be local like lax tissues or poor pelvic floor support. They can also be from tightness in the pelvic floor and most often excess pressure coming down from above. 

    Our abdominal pressure can actually cause the pushing down feeling, and this is impacted by our posture, breathing, movement habits and core control. 

    We assess all of the above to find out what’s causing your symptoms. 

  • prolapse treatment

    Depending on the assessment findings, treatment often involves;

    Education of how to reduce symptoms in your day to day

    Hands on work to help change muscle function and posture

    Exercises to get stronger

    Movement coaching to learn how to reduce downwards pressure when active 

    Impact and activity training to get back to higher level athleticism