Pelvic Floor & Menopause

Moving beyond menopause with a healthy pelvic floor!

Patient Story

Post menopausal client, 68 years old

“The Cheerful Pelvis Clinic made a huge difference to me in my desperate search to find ways to manage my Interstitial Cystitis! I discovered valuable techniques and exercises to minimize my painful symptoms! I owe so much to Sam for being kind, compassionate and very respectful of my needs and wants during a very difficult time in my life. After only a few sessions with Sam, I now fully understand how my pelvic floor was the cause of much of my pain and discomfort.

I now feel so much better equipped and empowered to deal with my IC/Bladder Pain Syndrome and enjoy life the way I used to.

…I highly recommend this jewel of a clinic and hope that many more women can benefit from the highly skilled staff as much as I did.”

Tell us your story

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Can Help You:

  • Understand hormone-related changes

  • Be proactive in maintaining good bladder and bowel function as you age

  • Resolve issues such as incontinence, weakness, urgency, sexual concerns and pain

  • Keep you active and confident in your pelvic health life long!

  • Menopausal changes:

    Hormonal changes impact both the pelvic floor muscles and the vaginal tissue which unfortunately can lead to a myriad of symptoms and resulting life limitations. While these changes are normal, the symptoms are not, and there’s a lot we can do to help!

  • Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)

    The term “vaginal atrophy” used to be commonly used and turns up now and again, but GSM is a much more correct term for the changes that occur around menopause. This term applies to a variety of pelvic health concerns including:

    • Vaginal dryness, burning and irritation
    • Sexual concerns like lack of lubrication, discomfort or pain
    • Bladder issues like urgency, pain, leaking and recurrent bladder infections
  • Treatment may include

    • Whole body assessment/treatment 
    • Pelvic floor-specific assessment/treatment
    • Education and strategies to improve symptoms
    • Exercises to help with strength and mobility
    • Hands-on treatment
    • A plan to help you stay continent, strong, and active through the rest of your life!
  • Strength training

    Research shows that strength training is one of the best things you can do to optimize health through and beyond menopause. It helps with bone health, balance, muscle strength, and metabolism, all affected by menopause. Staying strong can even decrease the risk of common issues such as incontinence and prolapse. If strength training is new to you, or limited due to symptoms, physio can help you find a program that works for you to keep you strong and confident moving forward.