Sexual Pain & Dysfunction


Patient Story

health professional, 30's, RECOVERED VAGINISMUS

“After experiencing pain during sex and learning about vaginismus, I was looking forward to beginning my work with Anniken and pelvic floor physiotherapy. I learned so much about how my body and her gentle demeanour and exercises helped me learn to regain control of my body, something I didn’t think would ever happen.

I rarely experience pain during sex now

Thanks to Anniken, I rarely experience pain during sex now and feel confident in my body’s ability to respond positively to touch and pleasure. Anniken is amazing, genuine, and empathic and have recommended her services to many – her work is absolutely invaluable.”

Tell us your story


  • Understand Your Pain

  • Build Strategies For Moving Forward With Confidence

  • Take Control Over The Issue

  • Achieve Or Regain A Pain-Free Sex Life


    Sexual pain has many varying diagnosis but mostly tends to be a combination of pelvic floor tightness, hypersensitivity, muscle guarding and sometimes hormonal tissue changes. The psychological and emotional challenges that come with having sexual difficulties are important to acknowledge. Additionally, many people with these issues have a history of sexual trauma, or traumatic experiences with medical appointments or sex due to the pain itself. We know it’s a vulnerable issue and our priority is to ensure that you are always in control and feeling safe. We need to know you, know your story, and understand your concerns and limits. This is because we know that if we’re asking your body to trust us and relax, it (you!) has to feel safe to do so.

    Painful sex can often be diagnosed as the following


    However you don’t need a diagnosis for us to treat you, we treat all sexual pain however it presents.


    There is no recipe for treating sexual pain, we forge the path together. However, treatment will likely include:

    • Pain education and management strategies
    • Establishing boundaries for within the clinic and at home
    • Strategies for current sexual activity
    • Stress and anxiety management if needed
    • A top to toe exam to diagnose anything else in your body that may be contributing to the issue
    • Possible work with vaginal dilators
    • Possible internal pelvic work to help give feedback or release pelvic floor muscles

    We also often work in conjunction with counselors / sex therapists to give you coordinated, holistic care for every aspect of your struggle.