"By starting pelvic floor physiotherapy early, I was able to rectify the prolapse through a program of easy stretches which took me about 15-20 min each day. After a couple of months it was improved and I felt no pain or discomfort for the remainder of the pregnancy. My recovery from my 2nd labour was also much faster than my 1st, thanks to all the "prepping" work."
Client Stories
“After the birth of my son, I developed bladder prolapse. That’s when I discovered pelvic floor physiotherapy. In addition to a hands-on treatment, Anniken taught me how and when to effectively do Kegel exercises, and how to correct my posture and alignment, which had a big impact on my recovery. Everything went back to normal within a few months. … until my 2nd pregnancy, less than a year after my son was born! This time, the prolapse symptoms started about 4 months into the pregnancy. By starting pelvic floor physiotherapy early, I was able to rectify the prolapse through a program of easy stretches which took me about 15-20 min each day. After a couple of months it was improved and I felt no pain or discomfort for the remainder of the pregnancy. My recovery from my 2nd labour was also much faster than my 1st, thanks to all the “prepping” work.”
- pregnant with prolapse

I left feeling empowered in my new understanding of contributing factors to post pregnancy incontinence and in my ability to take action to prevent this. I also left with an understanding of when to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist and what I could expect from this. I have recommended this workshop to all my pregnant friends.
- birth prep workshop attendee
Being a first-time expectant mom I had heard plenty of stories from friends about struggling with “dribbles” postpartum. I knew that I didn’t want this but had no idea what I should be doing to prevent it. When a friend mentioned the workshop for optimizing birth and birth recovery with Anniken I was eager to attend. Through the 1.5h session I learnt easy everyday movements that could help not only prevent dribbles but also contribute to a more comfortable labour. I left feeling empowered in my new understanding of contributing factors to post pregnancy incontinence and in my ability to take action to prevent this. I also left with an understanding of when to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist and what I could expect from this. I have recommended this workshop to all my pregnant friends.
- birth prep workshop attendee
"I thought that leaking was only because of kegels so I went to Physio thinking I needed to up my training game. Instead, Anniken treated my ribs, neck and upper back due to some alignment issues and I saw huge improvements immediately (I mean walking out of the clinic!). "
- very fit & active new mum
I was very active up to and through my pregnancy. I did all the things I read about to prepare, kegels, squats, yoga, stretching. When baby came, I felt good but over the next couple months, between breastfeeding and lifting, I started leaking while running, jumping and even sneezing.
As I am very active and I didn’t want to wear (and fill!) a pad for the rest of my life. I thought that leaking was only because of kegels so I went to Physio thinking I needed to up my training game. Instead, Anniken treated my ribs, neck and upper back due to some alignment issues and I saw huge improvements immediately (I mean walking out of the clinic!). We spent a few months tweaking it such that even when I run for an hour or jump in fitness classes, I don’t feel at risk of leaking.
- very fit & active new mum
My pelvic floor was temporarily weak of course but with the support from Anniken I was able to get my pelvic floor back to the place it was prior to having my second baby. I will always have to pay attention and take care of myself using the advice I have gained from physiotherapy–but I now have the tools and knowledge to keep my pelvic floor as healthy as possible. Thanks to Physiotherapy and Anniken specifically I have a much brighter outlook on my lifestyle for the future.
- Mom of 2, 36 years old, prolapse
After a year post partum with my first I felt like something wasn’t right. I scheduled an appointment with Anniken and learned that I had prolapse. It was prolapse of the bladder and the rectum. It was stage 2 so not physically noticeable to me, but the dull ache and uncomfortable feelings it gave me had a huge impact on my lifestyle and my well being. I couldn’t workout, lift my toddler or even do some day to day tasks without feeling a dull ache. I was very active and fit before having my baby so I was devastated. Also, I wanted another baby but couldn’t imagine what that would mean for my poor pelvic floor. Through correcting my posture, learning to breath correctly, changing my bathroom habits, and doing 15 minutes of exercises and stretches daily I almost completely reversed my symptoms. I got to a place were I was feeling so good that I decided to have another baby. Throughout my pregnancy I did exercises and stretches daily, focused on meditation and breathing to keep my muscles relaxed and functioning properly. I had a very successful, home birth. My pelvic floor was temporarily weak of course but with the support from Anniken I was able to get my pelvic floor back to the place it was prior to having my second baby. I will always have to pay attention and take care of myself using the advice I have gained from physiotherapy–but I now have the tools and knowledge to keep my pelvic floor as healthy as possible. Thanks to Physiotherapy and Anniken specifically I have a much brighter outlook on my lifestyle for the future.
- Mom of 2, 36 years old, prolapse
After a year post partum with my first I felt like something wasn’t right. I scheduled an appointment with Anniken and learned that I had prolapse. It was prolapse of the bladder and the rectum. It was stage 2 so not physically noticeable to me, but the dull ache and uncomfortable feelings it gave me had a huge impact on my lifestyle and my well being. I couldn’t workout, lift my toddler or even do some day to day tasks without feeling a dull ache. I was very active and fit before having my baby so I was devastated. Also, I wanted another baby but couldn’t imagine what that would mean for my poor pelvic floor. Through correcting my posture, learning to breath correctly, changing my bathroom habits, and doing 15 minutes of exercises and stretches daily I almost completely reversed my symptoms. I got to a place were I was feeling so good that I decided to have another baby. Throughout my pregnancy I did exercises and stretches daily, focused on meditation and breathing to keep my muscles relaxed and functioning properly. I had a very successful, home birth. My pelvic floor was temporarily weak of course but with the support from Anniken I was able to get my pelvic floor back to the place it was prior to having my second baby. I will always have to pay attention and take care of myself using the advice I have gained from physiotherapy–but I now have the tools and knowledge to keep my pelvic floor as healthy as possible. Thanks to Physiotherapy and Anniken specifically I have a much brighter outlook on my lifestyle for the future.
- Mom of 2, 36 years old, prolapse

"I’ve learned that pain can shift from one area of the body to another and that one day the pain can be there and the next day it can be gone. I find that pain is a tricky sort of thing to understand sometimes. Thankfully Anniken is a pro when it comes to pain. Some of the things I have learned from her are truly amazing. When I started with Anniken my pain was fairly intense and constant and now it is much less and more once and a while"
- male, 50's, coccyx pain, bladder & sexual dysfunction
“I am a 52 year old male and used to consider myself a workaholic. I had ongoing tailbone pain, incontinence issues and some sexual dysfunction. I went to see Anniken. I was feeling nervous and was not sure what to expect. We talked about what brought me to see her, how my body was feeling and what results I wanted to achieve. During the physical evaluation Anniken had me complete many different body movements, different body positions and answer various questions. It was by far the most in depth exam I had ever had by a health care provider in my life. I went to see Anniken for the 2nd time. I was nervous, unsettled and trying to hold back tears. After Anniken calmed me down using some breathing techniques, she asked me if I would like to do a “boundary” exercise. it was a very emotional experience and the first time I ever connected the way I felt emotionally with the way I felt in my body! After the panic attack and the boundary exercise Anniken decided that it would be best for me if she referred me to a counsellor before treating me further. Feeling like a completely different person (thanks to the counselling) I saw Anniken again 2 months later. During the course of my treatment I have learned a lot about pain. How I can make my pain worse, how I can make it better and how I can make it disappear. I’ve learned that pain can shift from one area of the body to another and that one day the pain can be there and the next day it can be gone. I find that pain is a tricky sort of thing to understand sometimes. Thankfully Anniken is a pro when it comes to pain. Some of the things I have learned from her are truly amazing. When I started with Anniken my pain was fairly intense and constant and now it is much less and more once and a while. Although I am feeling way better than when I first came to Anniken I still have a ways to go. I understand that getting better my take some time. I spent the better part of 52 years ignoring and abusing my body. Looking back I am so grateful that I met Anniken, and that my life has changed so dramatically over the last few months.”
- male, 50's, coccyx pain, bladder & sexual dysfunction

I am now functioning higher than I have in eight years. I am stronger both physically and mentally,and most importantly I am supported by a health care professional whom I can trust and rely on.
- age 30, professional, chronic pelvic pain
My journey with chronic pain began 8 years ago when I was told I had a dermoid cyst and needed laparoscopic surgery to remove it. Unfortunately, the surgery did not resolve the pain. Then came a battle with healthcare professionals, from doctors to physios, chiropractors, RMTs and every healer in between. No one seemed to understand or believe that I was still in significant pain.Finally endometriosis was found and removed with a second surgery and I found that I was less bloated, had more energy, and was able to function at a higher level. The pain was not gone however; instead I learned to live it.
Throughout all of this, I also had vulvodynia – pain with sex. Although it made sense to me that I would have vulvodynia due to the proximity of the pelvic region, it was difficult to accept. Fortunately, I have a wonderful partner who has stood by me, but, obviously this impacted our relationship greatly, and I was getting more and more frustrated with a lack of solutions.
When I first came to see Anniken, I was hopeless. I had built up mistrust towards helping professionals and felt unsure about telling my story yet again. Anniken was warm, transparent, validating, and kind. I felt immediately comfortable with her, and knew that she was the right fit. Anniken was able to physically release my internal pelvic floor muscles, and this significantly helped to shift the intensity of my pain. Anniken and I have continued to work together since, and although the vulvodynia has not completely resolved, it is significantly better. Anniken is constantly trying new techniques with me, from releasing other muscles in my body that are connected to my pelvic floor, to helping me to connect emotionally with my pain.
I am now functioning higher than I have in eight years. I am stronger both physically and mentally, and most importantly I am supported by a health care professional whom I can trust and rely on.
- age 30, professional, chronic pelvic pain

"I learned so much about how my body and her gentle demeanour and exercises helped me learn to regain control of my body, something I didn’t think would ever happen."
- health care professional, 30's, painful sex
After experiencing pain during sex and learning about vaginismus, I was looking forward to beginning my work with Anniken and pelvic floor physiotherapy. I learned so much about how my body and her gentle demeanour and exercises helped me learn to regain control of my body, something I didn’t think would ever happen. Thanks to Anniken, I rarely experience pain during sex now and feel confident in my body’s ability to respond positively to touch and pleasure. Anniken is amazing, genuine, and empathic and have recommended her services to many – her work is absolutely invaluable.