Pelvic Floor & Menopause
Moving beyond menopause with a healthy pelvic floor!
Patient Story
Post menopausal client, 68 years old
“The Cheerful Pelvis Clinic made a huge difference to me in my desperate search to find ways to manage my Interstitial Cystitis! I discovered valuable techniques and exercises to minimize my painful symptoms! I owe so much to Sam for being kind, compassionate and very respectful of my needs and wants during a very difficult time in my life. After only a few sessions with Sam, I now fully understand how my pelvic floor was the cause of much of my pain and discomfort.
…I highly recommend this jewel of a clinic and hope that many more women can benefit from the highly skilled staff as much as I did.”

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Can Help You:
Understand hormone-related changes
Be proactive in maintaining good bladder and bowel function as you age
Resolve issues such as incontinence, weakness, urgency, sexual concerns and pain
Keep you active and confident in your pelvic health life long!
Menopausal changes:
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)
Treatment may include
Strength training