PABC CPD Course: Biopsychosocial Skills for Building Therapeutic Alliance
September 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
Therapeutic Alliance as a treatment tool; experiential and reflective exercises in generating a mindful therapeutic relationship as a foundation for a biopsychosocial approach.
This is a practical, experiential course exploring participants own sense of presence, grounding, boundaries and mirroring in relationship. Participants unconscious and habitual styles of interaction will be uncovered. This provides opportunity for intentional adaptation to meet both the therapists and clients needs. In this way we address one of the core principles of physiotherapy, patient centred care, whilst integrating self care skills for the professional.
The material and techniques are drawn from research, theory and experience in both the health care and somatic psychotherapy realms, and applied with a focus on persistent pain clients.
This course is not a recipe but an opportunity for self and communal reflection on our approaches with patients and how to avoid the traps set out by our own and our patients personal and cultural biases.
Who are we and how do we present ourselves in our professional roles? What challenges us and where do we go to feel safe as the ‘expert’? What communication styles are we partial to or struggle with? How do we deal with challenging patients? Or the patient that is stuck, non-compliant or far too dependant on us? How do we cope with the personal struggles of being in a caring profession?
We will explore these aspects within ourselves and as a group to begin a journey of mindfulness and self responsibility in our professional relationships. This is an essential first step to coaching our patients in their own struggles with their relationship to you, themselves and their pain. A vital foundation for the trusting relationship needed for effective pain education and behavior change.